At Barnston Estate we believe in supporting and investing in our talented farming families.
Edward Barnston
All milk produced on Barnston Estate dairy farms is supplied to Muller Tesco. Our farmers use farming wisdom passed down through generations combined with up-to-date technical knowledge and equipment.
They have a deep appreciation of animal welfare and environmental sustainability.
It is our philosophy to support and honour our tenants' farming skills and their extraordinary commitment to their livestock and the land.
Our partnership with
Crewe Hall Farm
Crewe Hall Farm is one of the dairy farms on the 1,800-acre Barnston Estate.
Managed by tenant Evan Jones and his family, the farm has been run as a collaboration between Edward and Evan since 2015.
Evan had ambitious plans to expand his cow herd and modernise his milking operation to create a super-efficient dairy - and to make the farm business more resilient to fluctuating milk prices.
He travelled to America to research larger-scale herds and then put a bold proposal to Barnston Estate. Estate Manager, Edward Barnston, recognised the need to evolve and grow, and supported this significant farm development wholeheartedly.
The venture became a true long-term partnership between landlord and tenant farmer, requiring co-investment, mutual trust and understanding and a strong shared vision for the future.
Today, Crewe Hall Farm is transformed. It now enjoys a significantly increased herd, a state-of-the-art 60-point rotary parlour, newly erected cow sheds and leading-edge farm infrastructure and technology.
There's also an extensive landscaping and tree-planting programme. Crucially, the farm has achieved tremendous economies of scale and increased efficiency and has become a substantial producer of fresh milk to the market.
Based on our research abroad, it was clear that larger herds, in carefully designed units, could cut costs per cow, improve output and reduce labour use. We also saw the benefits of sand for bedding and state-of-the-art technology in the parlour to monitor cow performance and health.
Evan Jones
Evan is a fifth-generation award-winning farmer. By combining our resources, we are stronger together.
Edward Barnston
- Superior animal welfare on the Estate is paramount.
- The new car park at Crewe Hall Farm is a living car park lined with grass not tarmac and sits adjacent to a newly planted orchard.
- Recent wildlife audits have shown in excess of 45 different bird species on Estate farmland.
- The Estate plants 1 km of hedgerows on its farmland every year.
Award Winning

Edward Barnston was awarded the Bledisloe Gold Medal for Landowners in 2019.
The Royal Agricultural Society of England’s awards recognise excellence in science and technology, the environment and land and business management.
Established in 1958 by Viscount Bledisloe, the prestigious award was presented to Edward for "demonstrating outstanding achievement in the successful management and development of an agricultural estate in England."
He won praise for his state-of-the-art expansion of one of the Estate’s dairy farms, Crewe Hall Farm, with its new cattle housing, 60-point rotary milking parlour and extended silage clamps.
Find out more about the awards at
We have helped Edward and his predecessors manage the Barnston Estate for more than 50 years. His willingness to invest in new ideas rather than sitting on his laurels has paid off – both in the success of his tenants and with the awarding of the medal. Edward has ambitious plans for the Estate.
Edward Clarke
Partner at Fisher German's Chester office
Dairy Cows
Animal welfare is at our core. I always enjoy visiting the cows and can sense how calm and peaceful they are - testimony to the fine animal husbandry of our dedicated farmers.
Edward Barnston
The Cheshire Plains are ideally suited to dairy farming. Barnston Estate dairy farms supply significant quantities of fresh milk daily to Muller Tesco. Our main cattle breed is Holstein Friesians, hailed as the world's highest-production dairy animals.
Using both freestall and New Zealand farming methods, our farmers are committed to caring for and respecting all their livestock and following compassionate daily routines.
We believe everyone on our farms has a moral and ethical obligation to treat every animal humanely. Doing what is best for the animals is essential for their welfare, for our business success and for a sustainable future.