Our goal is to make a positive long-term contribution to the communities in which we are involved.
We wish to work in partnership with local people and organisations to achieve Estate aspirations in harmony with those around us.
We volunteer our resources across many areas, including:
- Providing housing and indirect employment for over 200 people in our community.
- Offering full use of the Farndon football field and Scout Hut.
- Supporting many local charities including: Abbey Gate College, The Dr Robert Oldfield Trust, the Chester Mystery Plays, Royal Cheshire Show, Farndon Brass Band, Crimebeat, Cheshire Drugs Watch Trust and Chester Cathedral.
- Donating to support local amenities including St Chad’s, the Methodist Chapel and the Farndon GP surgery.
- Providing the annual Christmas tree for Farndon village.
- Resurfacing the Farndon village car-park and offering free parking in the village.
- Delivering renewable energy to local business.
- Clearing footpaths, cutting grass verges and hedges annually and maintaining a planting programme.
- Contributing to a resuscitation kit in Churton village and DNA Smart Water kits for Farndon residents.
- Permitting local metal detector clubs free access across the fields.
- Opening the family home, Crewe Hill, and its garden to the public for free to support charities.